


Histroy of Hijabialand

History of Hijabialand


Hijabialand's History would go all the way back to 1899 when the British drew the borders of Egypt and Sudan. 

It was a straight line but the problem is that the people of Birtawil were ethnic Egyptians so in 1902 the British would redraw the borders to make Birtawil Egyptian territory.

But the problem is that Egypt didn't want Birtawil, instead they wanted The Halaib Triangle. For economic reasons so Egypt claimed the 1899 borders while Sudan claimed the 1902 Borders beacuse they wanted the Halaib Triangle so neither countries lay claim to Birtawil beacuse if one of them reconize Birtawil then they'll loose the Halaib Triangle.

North Sudan

In 2014 The Kingdom of North Sudan was establsihed after a farmer from Virginia discoverd that Birtawil hasn't been claimed by anyone so the Kingdom of North Sudan would exist but not for long.


Through 2014 - 2015 a group of Russians went there and planted a Russian Flag though Russia wouldn't have it for long since in 2015 Birland was Establsihed. 


The State of Birland a.k.a Kingdom of Birland would be established and for 2 yeard Birland was a country until in 2017 The Kingdom of Dixie would take over Birland but not for long as Birland took it right back.

Asdenskia (Hijabialand)

After disagreement with Birland Asdenskia would declare independence from Birland on December 7th 2023, through its earlier days Asdenskia was unstabled. 

Asdenskia would join Ebenia but soon would decalre independence beacuse of other micronations. Which would cause a war with Ebenia.

Then soon Berg would collaspe into a civil war so Asdenskia joined the war on the Kingdom's side.

Then on January 9th - 16th 2024 Asdenskia would join the USR as a retaliation and 1 day later on January 17th the UFSSR (United Furries Soviet Socilaist Republics) was established wiith Asdenskia being a Capitalist State, though the UFSSR would have collapsed

after 2 month long civil war the monarchy would be overthrowned by the Federalist. 

After Berg's Civil war Asdenskia would changed its name from Asdenskia to Hijabialand. 

The war with Ebenia would end on March 11th 2024 which Ebenia would give up its claims to Asdenskia. And Hijabialand was finally united.

 Then through March 11th - 24th 2024 Hijabialand would be under the rule of Albion

March 24th - April 4th

Hijabialand would join Arksana as a puppet state 

April 4th 

Hijabialand declares independnce 

April 5th 

A historic treaty was made with Hijabialand and Almendria, becoming allies